Logfile from ogrmush.

._###_. _#___.

H@ .N@@@@L _@@@@@@@@L J@@@@@@@@N_.

N@).@@@@@@@@@. J@@F `N@@@) @@@@@@@@@@@@@L

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(@@# H@@@) (@@@ @@@H .N@@N`

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(@@@L .N@N` N@@@L .J@H`N@@@` (@@ 4@@@@N.

`@@@@N__J@@@F (@@@@@@@@@F @@@) (@F "N@@@H

(@@@@@@@@F `@@@@@@` @@@) (N@) (@@@@L

`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |

| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Either that player does not exist, or has a different password.

Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-

be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

**** 1 failed connect since your last successful connect. ****

Most recent attempt was from on Wed Jan 03 19:44:13.602408 2007.

Last connect was from on Thu Dec 21 21:19:46.918926 2006.

MAIL: You have no mail.

Tabletop Room 6



Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

<OOC> Upton says, "Heya"

._###_. _#___.

H@ .N@@@@L _@@@@@@@@L J@@@@@@@@N_.

N@).@@@@@@@@@. J@@F `N@@@) @@@@@@@@@@@@@L

J@@@@@F""4@@@@@_ (@@N` 4@@@ (@F `"N@@@@N.

.@@@@` #@@@@) .N@H` (@@@) @L._ 4@@@@

(@@@` .' `N@@@H H@@) `@@@` @N@@) N@@@.

H@@` `@@@@ J@@) HF @@@@ J@@@

(@@# H@@@) (@@@ @@@H .N@@N`

.@@@) (@@@) @@@) @@@) .J@@H"

@@@@` J@@@ (@@@ @@@ .J@@N`

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#@@@. J@@) (@@@@. .@@@@@@) .@@F4@@@@N.

(@@@L .N@N` N@@@L .J@H`N@@@` (@@ 4@@@@N.

`@@@@N__J@@@F (@@@@@@@@@F @@@) (@F "N@@@H

(@@@@@@@@F `@@@@@@` @@@) (N@) (@@@@L

`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |

| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-

be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

Last connect was from on Wed Jan 03 19:44:15.88709 2007.

MAIL: You have no mail.

Tabletop Room 6





Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Guh... the thing dropped connection on me. Blah"

<OOC> Upton says, "WB"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Welcome to game 30 and stuff"

<OOC> Keiko says, "hi hi"

<OOC> Upton says, "Yehaa!"

I don't see that here.

I don't see that here.

Tabletop Room 6





Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "So."

<OOC> Upton says, "We were going dragon hunting to get a substance that should free elsa."

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "...It was a fire breathing gecko."

<OOC> Keiko says, "can we get some insurance from it?"

<OOC> Treya says, "but a dangerous one!"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "A really big one. And as I recall Persephiko was chasing down Treya with flight powers and asking her to promise to walk in the light. Yeah."

<OOC> Keiko says, "ya!"

SOOOO That's where the crew of Elsa is at the moment... with Upton left way way behind in the dust cause he can't move nearly that fast.

Keiko says, "Treya, promise me that you will forgo planet destroying ordinance and stop blowing up space stations and walk in the light. Your evil deeds have not put you beyond redemption!"

Upton decides to go back to Elsa since he can't keep up and doesn't have any weapons and will monitor the battle from the bridge.

._###_. _#___.

H@ .N@@@@L _@@@@@@@@L J@@@@@@@@N_.

N@).@@@@@@@@@. J@@F `N@@@) @@@@@@@@@@@@@L

J@@@@@F""4@@@@@_ (@@N` 4@@@ (@F `"N@@@@N.

.@@@@` #@@@@) .N@H` (@@@) @L._ 4@@@@

(@@@` .' `N@@@H H@@) `@@@` @N@@) N@@@.

H@@` `@@@@ J@@) HF @@@@ J@@@

(@@# H@@@) (@@@ @@@H .N@@N`

.@@@) (@@@) @@@) @@@) .J@@H"

@@@@` J@@@ (@@@ @@@ .J@@N`

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#@@@. J@@) (@@@@. .@@@@@@) .@@F4@@@@N.

(@@@L .N@N` N@@@L .J@H`N@@@` (@@ 4@@@@N.

`@@@@N__J@@@F (@@@@@@@@@F @@@) (@F "N@@@H

(@@@@@@@@F `@@@@@@` @@@) (N@) (@@@@L

`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |

| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-

be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

Last connect was from on Wed Jan 03 20:08:18.374962 2007.

MAIL: You have no mail.

Tabletop Room 6





Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

Elsa does have scanners anyway. It won't give you video feed but she can probably tell you what's happening

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Damned thing"

<OOC> Treya says, "burn it"

<OOC> Keiko says, "what was the last thing you saw lol"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Upton said he'd go back to Elsa"

Treya doesn't stop running..."Kid if you can either shut up and help or get shot."

Keiko says, "Reynold told me these things... are they true? I want to help you.""

Treya says, "The only thing I need now is the dead gecko so Elsa isn't eaten."

Upton says, "Elsa, keep me informed what's going on and I'll see if I can help any from here."

Keiko says, "If I help you with the evil gecko will you walk in the light? I like Elsa. I cannot let harm come to her. But I care for you and wish your soul redeemed.""

Treya says, "Yeah sure whatever..."

As Treya fails to cooperate, she and Persephiko slam straight into the big, spinning eyed gecko

Treya yelps and hops back a few steps.

Elsa rolls her eyes, Upton. "Well to start with, they uh... 'found' the gecko."

Keiko says, "Ack A lizard!""

Upton says, "Do you have any weapons that are indirect fire?"

Upton says, "Like heat seeking missiles?"

Upton says, "Or do I have to perform surgery on a warhead?"

"We have a few proton missiles, but they're somewhat expensive and we only have four. You'd need authorization from Treya."

The reptilian thing turns around and looks at the two of you with it's spinning, whirling eyes... spinning... and whirling... kind of creepily. Then it belches out fire.

Upton says, "Damn, you don't want to blow the thing to bits. How about beam weapons? Any with a firing arc that can hit the lizard from where we are pointed?"

Keiko exclaims "Angel Power Shield!" She concentrates on shielding herself and Treya from the fiery blast!

"Beam weapons aren't really effected by gravity."

Upton says, "Dammit, I men are the gun themselves fixed or can they be pointed?"

The shield, made of feathers, manages to ward off the blast... which is odd cause you'd think feathers would catch on fire instead. The geck keeps breathing flames anyway.

Treya looks at the feathers oddly...before leaning over the side and firin a rocket at it's head.

Keiko maintains the shield as long as its breathing.

"The pivoting beams would be on my back side. Which is stuck. I DO however, have a power lift that could, with some ingenuity, be turned into something of a catapault.

GO ahead and roll that shot, Treya

<OOC> Treya says, "2d6 right?"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Yep"

Treya rolls 2d6 and gets 3 and 6.

<OOC> Treya says, "bugger"

Keiko says, "Redeem yourself Lizard Appeal to your better nature." She glances at Treya. "Uh do lizards have a better nature?""

Upton heads for the power lift and see if he can make it a catapult.

Treya says, "Nope! Pure evil!"

<OOC> Keiko says, "lol"

<OOC> Treya says, "in DnD Terms Treya is CG at best XD"

<OOC> Keiko says, "ahh sort of saw her more as CN... lol ^_^"

<OOC> Treya says, "Thus the "at best"."

<OOC> Keiko says, "ehh she has a good side just hides it well"

Treya, the rocket shoots wide, before the gecko shoots out it's tounge.. and eats it. It belches, and the resulting flames start to put... cracks... in the shield made of feathers. Feathers that defy all physics! AHHH

Treya curses and dives to the side before the shield fails, rushing to reload.

<OOC> Upton says, "Mind+ Mechanics for the catapult? I have specialty in space vehicles."

Upton, there's the lift mechanism... it's a little bulky... and you'll have to take it apart and put pieces into places they were never meant to be to get this to work... but it has enough lifting power to throw something rather sizable the distance neccesary... though accuracy might be difficult.

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Sure, why not."

Keiko flys up out of the blast as the shield begins to fail and Treya rolls to the side, exclaiming, "Holy Celestial Smiting Retribution!" Concentrates on well smiting the lizard mightily

For everyone but Upton, you must now roll init! INIT

Treya rolls 1d6 and gets 1.

Keiko rolls 1d6 and gets 3.

<OOC> Treya says, "a 1!...what a bummer"

GDMSkullrama rolls 1d6 and gets 2.

<OOC> Treya says, "I wouldn'tve minded that with the rocket"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Lower is better right? I think lower is better."

<OOC> Keiko says, "in this it is... I think lol"

<OOC> Treya says, "So you've been telling me all along."

<OOC> Treya says, "Are you suddenly lying? XD"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Then you goooo first."

Upton pulls out his datapad, "I knew this ancient cannon firing tables would be hand some day." Then goes about tweaking the lift.

Treya fires yet another rocket...wincing at the lost money.

Treya rolls 2d6 and gets 3 and 1.

GDMSkullrama rolls 2d6 and gets 4 and 6.

<OOC> Treya says, "wooo~"

Database checkpoint in progress - stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

The rocket explodes into the side of the beast! It looks mad! The explosion blackened a portion of it's side.

GDMSkullrama rolls 2d6 and gets 6 and 4.

IT's tounge lashes out and hits a log near Treya. It flings the log around wildly.... in rage.

<OOC> Upton says, "Should I roll?"

Time to go, angel girl.

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Totally roll"

Upton rolls 2d6 and gets 5 and 4.

<OOC> Upton says, "Make it on the dot.."

<OOC> Upton says, "Wiat 1 under"

<OOC> Upton says, "Even better then on the dot."

Keiko exclaims as the shield vanishes from her hands, "Holy Celestial Smiting Retribution!" Concentrates on well smiting the lizard mightily!

EBObserver has connected.

Upton, taking it apart is easy... knowing where you want to put the stuff is also easy. Making it actually fit.... not so much. What you get is functional, for the time being, but it looks like a big hunk of metal.

<OOC> Keiko says, "Hi ebob"

Upton says, "Elsa, can you give me the angle the exit of this lift is pointing?"

<OOC> Upton says, "Er, I was assuming that the lift was a integral part of Elsa,"

Keiko, the halo above yon head glows with magical light and wraps around your arm, forming a gauntlet like glove with a magical crystal in the palm! From the crystal springs a large and unwieldy looking hammer, with a big heart on the side... that, despite it's unreasonable size, is light enough to wield with one hand!

Treya says, "...I'm not seeing this..."

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Yeah, something like that."

Upton says, "And the distance to the lizard!"

Elsa gives you the appropriate angle information and such Upton... now you need some ammo.

<OOC> Keiko says, "mmm must be a throwing hammer lol."

Keiko hurls the hammer at the lizards side where it was blackened!

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "ROll it"

Keiko rolls 2d6 and gets 3 and 2.

<OOC> Treya says, "oo not bad"

<OOC> Keiko says, "wootness I hope"

GDMSkullrama rolls 2d6 and gets 2 and 4.

<OOC> Treya says, "booo!"

._###_. _#___.

H@ .N@@@@L _@@@@@@@@L J@@@@@@@@N_.

N@).@@@@@@@@@. J@@F `N@@@) @@@@@@@@@@@@@L

J@@@@@F""4@@@@@_ (@@N` 4@@@ (@F `"N@@@@N.

.@@@@` #@@@@) .N@H` (@@@) @L._ 4@@@@

(@@@` .' `N@@@H H@@) `@@@` @N@@) N@@@.

H@@` `@@@@ J@@) HF @@@@ J@@@

(@@# H@@@) (@@@ @@@H .N@@N`

.@@@) (@@@) @@@) @@@) .J@@H"

@@@@` J@@@ (@@@ @@@ .J@@N`

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#@@@. J@@) (@@@@. .@@@@@@) .@@F4@@@@N.

(@@@L .N@N` N@@@L .J@H`N@@@` (@@ 4@@@@N.

`@@@@N__J@@@F (@@@@@@@@@F @@@) (@F "N@@@H

(@@@@@@@@F `@@@@@@` @@@) (N@) (@@@@L

`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |

| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-

be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

Last connect was from on Wed Jan 03 20:16:02.535906 2007.

MAIL: You have no mail.

Tabletop Room 6





Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

The hammer strikes the side of the beast! WHAM! It falls over with a gecko cry!

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Freakin thing!"

EBObserver has connected.

Upton decides to take a spare large wrench he knows the weight of to test fire and set it on the lift, consults the chart and tries to test fire with the right force before he use anything substantial.

Upton... roll a straight attack roll, unless you think you have a skill that can apply to ballistic siege weaponry...

Keiko says, "Taste redeeming justice fell lizard beast! Turn to the light. Give your gizard willingly.""

<OOC> Upton says, "Military sceince?"

<OOC> Upton says, "Or physical scinces(physic specialty)?"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Ehhhhh... well, since you can at least calculate angles, I'll give you a bonus of 1."

Upton rolls 2d6 and gets 5 and 2.

<OOC> Upton says, "bonus to the skill adding to the attack roll or the attack roll itself?"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "You get a bonus of -1 to your roll. That's all"

._###_. _#___.

H@ .N@@@@L _@@@@@@@@L J@@@@@@@@N_.

N@).@@@@@@@@@. J@@F `N@@@) @@@@@@@@@@@@@L

J@@@@@F""4@@@@@_ (@@N` 4@@@ (@F `"N@@@@N.

.@@@@` #@@@@) .N@H` (@@@) @L._ 4@@@@

(@@@` .' `N@@@H H@@) `@@@` @N@@) N@@@.

H@@` `@@@@ J@@) HF @@@@ J@@@

(@@# H@@@) (@@@ @@@H .N@@N`

.@@@) (@@@) @@@) @@@) .J@@H"

@@@@` J@@@ (@@@ @@@ .J@@N`

J@@@@ @@@F @@@F (@@@H@@H"

N4@@H (@@@) @@@) .. ._@@@@F`

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#@@@. J@@) (@@@@. .@@@@@@) .@@F4@@@@N.

(@@@L .N@N` N@@@L .J@H`N@@@` (@@ 4@@@@N.

`@@@@N__J@@@F (@@@@@@@@@F @@@) (@F "N@@@H

(@@@@@@@@F `@@@@@@` @@@) (N@) (@@@@L

`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |

| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-

be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

Last connect was from on Wed Jan 03 20:41:04.591631 2007.

MAIL: You have no mail.

Tabletop Room 6






Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "This is becoming annoying."

<OOC> Upton says, "Missed my one if it is based off just my offense combat value with a -1 to the roll."

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "last I saw, I was telling Upton he gets a bonus of -1 to his roll."

Elsa looks at you Upton. "Little to the left next time."

<OOC> Treya is beaned in the head with a wrench! x.x

Treya and Persephiko, you guys watch as a wrench hits the dirt nearby... for seemingly no reason

<OOC> Keiko says, "lol Or a crate of peanut butter."

Treya blinks at it a bit.

<OOC> Treya says, "Is the lizard alive?"

Upton says, "Ah, that was because the head of the wrench was point right.""

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Yep! It just fell down. Treya's turn."

Keiko says, "Odd.""

Treya reloads and blasts it in the sweet spot again!

Upton looks for something more regular in shape he can use.

Treya rolls 2d6 and gets 1 and 6.

<OOC> Treya says, "blarg"

<OOC> Keiko says, "just wait till later when we need to fix something in the ship and can't find that special wrench ;)"

<OOC> Treya says, "two 1's woulda been sweet XD"

The rocket goes by Persphiko's head rather then hitting the lizardy thing. IT's eyes whirl as it stands...

Upton grabs a large dumbbell from the gym to use as his second shot.

<OOC> Keiko says, "I dont suppose my hammer thing flys back to my hand or anything. lol"

Upton, there's some crates of peanut butter around. There seems to be a barrel full of some foul smelling liquid... probably booze of some sort. Also, a large box marked 'sandwiches, pre-made'.

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "No, it actually dissapeared after hitting! Yeah."

Keiko says, "Celestial Power side kick!" She flys toward the creature and gives it a flying side kick with one of her high heeled boots in the ribs where its blackened."

<OOC> Upton says, "No dumbbells?"

Keiko rolls 2d6 and gets 5 and 3.

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Well, if you go to the gym you can get one, sure"

<OOC> Upton says, "Points up where he siad he would run to the gym to get one."

<OOC> Keiko says, "I remember a live game where a player said he looks at some action in awe... the dm said really... player said ya... dm said ok you stand there with your mouth open this round."

Keiko, you manage to slide off the scales by aiming poorly. You fall to the ground, but fail to dirt your immaculate outfit.

Despite the fact that it's white.

Keiko says, "Damnation!" Her face falls. "Ooops!""

Upton returns to the lift, loads the dumbbell, checks the weight on the chart and the force needed to fling it, sets the force on the lift and fires.

Roll it Upton!

Upton rolls 2d6 and gets 6 and 5.

<OOC> Upton says, "5 over."

The dumbell flies... flies.. flies! Elsa winces.

<OOC> Keiko says, "lol"

Upton says, "Ooops, that was a ten pound wiegth and I set teh lift for 10 kilos..."

._###_. _#___.

H@ .N@@@@L _@@@@@@@@L J@@@@@@@@N_.

N@).@@@@@@@@@. J@@F `N@@@) @@@@@@@@@@@@@L

J@@@@@F""4@@@@@_ (@@N` 4@@@ (@F `"N@@@@N.

.@@@@` #@@@@) .N@H` (@@@) @L._ 4@@@@

(@@@` .' `N@@@H H@@) `@@@` @N@@) N@@@.

H@@` `@@@@ J@@) HF @@@@ J@@@

(@@# H@@@) (@@@ @@@H .N@@N`

.@@@) (@@@) @@@) @@@) .J@@H"

@@@@` J@@@ (@@@ @@@ .J@@N`

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#@@@. J@@) (@@@@. .@@@@@@) .@@F4@@@@N.

(@@@L .N@N` N@@@L .J@H`N@@@` (@@ 4@@@@N.

`@@@@N__J@@@F (@@@@@@@@@F @@@) (@F "N@@@H

(@@@@@@@@F `@@@@@@` @@@) (N@) (@@@@L

`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


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| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

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be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

Last connect was from on Wed Jan 03 20:45:57.829176 2007.

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Tabletop Room 6






Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "And back"

<OOC> Treya says, "wb! :D"

Persephiko, as you stand, something rather heavy hits you in the back of the head and you fall to the ground unconcious. Treya, you watch a speeding dumbell fly straight into a rock, ricochet, skip across a nearby pond a few times, then hit the dirt, bouncing off again before slamming right into Keiko's skull... luckily losing enough force not to take her head off.

Keiko exclaims "Gurrrrghhhh!"

Treya yelps. "Wh...what the hell?!" She scoops up Keiko and bolts as they're obviously under attack from unseen forces!

Keiko, you wake up at about this time... as Keiko again! You're still wearing that outfit though.

Upton says, "Ooops, that was a ten pound weigth and I set the lift for a 10 kilo one..."

Keiko says, "Ugnhhh what happened....!""

The gecko starts slouching off.

Upton runs for the barrel of booze.

Treya frowns and sets her down in the woods. "Wait here, that thing can't get away..."

Treya ...reloads and fires at it! :o

Keiko says, "Treya! ahh... kay!""

Elsa grimaces. "Uh, well, you took out Keiko. And now Treya is carting her off to somewhere safe...

Treya rolls 2d6 and gets 6 and 2.

Keiko sits there a moment... shaking off her stupor.

Treya, you just seem to be wasting rockets today. You have one left. Also, you blow up the rock the dumbell bounced off of earlier

Treya says, "T...take that rock..."

Upton says, "Well give em the distance of the geko cna I'll try hitting it with this barrel!""

Upton, you are given the appropriate coordinates... feel free to roll!

Upton loads the barrel, set the lift for its weight as he looks at the chart, "Hopefully that dumbell knocked some sense in that kid.

Upton rolls 2d6 and gets 5 and 2.

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "You guys can't roll for crap today."

Keiko staggers to her feet. "How did I get out here?" gazing down at herself. "Oh my god what the hell is this?"

<OOC> Upton says, "Dammit if only my 1 in physical scinses counted/"

On the plus side Keiko, you do look pretty good... well, from the standpoint of most teenage boys.

Just then a barrel flies down from the sky near to the gecko... that quickly lashes out with a tounge and eats it.

Keiko gazes after Treya. "Whats with the lizard..." She stumbles over to a tree and leans against it.

Treya says, "That...looked like my booze..."

<OOC> Upton says, "Please tell me it exploades in it stomach.."

Treya blinks as a light bulb goes off in her head and she dashes in front of the lizard, firing her normal pistols.

Upton says, "How about that time?"

Shortly thereafter, the lizard stumbles in it's walk... wobbling back and forth tell it walks into a tree with a thud.

Treya says, "Oh...hey good deal."

It's not unconcious or dead yet though!

Treya sighs and shoots for the eyes!

Treya rolls 2d6 and gets 4 and 5.

Treya rolls 2d6 and gets 1 and 1.

Elsa shrugs. "Well... close enough."

<OOC> Treya says, "hey a failure and a crit :D"

The lizard takes a shot in the eye! Hey, now it looks just like Treya!

<OOC> Upton says, "WOOT, you want to roll high and a 1d6"

<OOC> Upton says, "Er on a"

Roll 1d6, Treya

<OOC> Treya says, "I'm rolling again?"

Treya rolls 1d6 and gets 6.

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Yep... oooh."

<OOC> Upton says, "x4 damage"

It shrieks and rears back on it's hind legs, falling over on it's back and belching fire... fire that reaks of booze.

Treya says, "C'mon that was a perfect shot!"

<OOC> Treya says, "literally XD"

<OOC> Keiko says, "well an eye shot would be devestating as it allows a nice un hindered passage into the skull."

After a minute of this it slows down and stops. It's tail keeps twitching though. And twitching...

Treya blinks and pokes it with a big stick.

The tail twitches more... distractingly almost. The rest of the body doesn't move.

Treya says, "Elsa? What am I er...removing from this?"

Over the com, Elsa responds "A green stone, apparently. From the gullet."

Keiko Walks over to Treya a bit self conciously. "Umm how did I get here? Would you happen to know why I'm wearing this... scrap of cloth?"

Treya says, "I dunno, magic I think."

Upton, Elsa says "They killed it. I'll be out of here soon, hopefully."

Treya pulls out her cool laser knife that she totally has always had and gets to work cutting open the beast.

Treya says, "Hey Elsa, where's the gullet?"

Upton says, "Does the cpatian know what a gullet is?"

Keiko says, "I was talking to Reynold about magic... Thats the last thing I remember. um I think its in the neck?"

Treya, you have a pen. That emits a laser! ...It's a low powered laser though. It'll cut open a lizard belly well enough!"

Treya will take it. XD

._###_. _#___.

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`@@@@N__J@@@F (@@@@@@@@@F @@@) (@F "N@@@H

(@@@@@@@@F `@@@@@@` @@@) (N@) (@@@@L

`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |

| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-

be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

Last connect was from on Wed Jan 03 20:56:32.290738 2007.

MAIL: You have no mail.

Tabletop Room 6






Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

Upton, she shakes her head. "No... I don't think so."

Treya shrugs and cuts her way in, dropping into the lizard guts. "Hmm...which one's the stomach?"

<OOC> Upton says, "Would medical 3 give me a basic knowledge of ananomy?"

"Treya, it's located in the chest... the uh... food chute."

Keiko says, "I don't... know..." She turns a bit pale an turns from the sight. "Maybe about where your stomach is if you were a lizard.""

Elsa puts it into Treya speak!

Keiko says, "Follow the throat parts down.""

Treya shrugs. "Meh..." She just starts cutting everything open, looking for the stone.

Keiko, Treya makes a bloody mess. And, since the lizard blood is so hot, it's a STEAMING bloody mess to boot!

Keiko glances over to see Treya wading in lizard bits... and turns aside again... staggering away to fall to her knees puking.

Treya says, "It's like a hot tub in here! This is awesome. :D"

Keiko says, "Gack!""

You could probably survive a cold winter not on Arktur in the belly of that thing, Treya.

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Night. Winter night."

Treya hmms as she hits the stomach. "Sweeeet..." She fishes out a bottle of her fave vodka, taking a swig.

Upton decides to take the time to put the power lift back the way it was, "Elsa, can you ask the captian to retrieve the dumbbell and the wrench if their still intact.

<OOC> Upton says, "Should I roll?"

<OOC> Keiko says, "lol brave braver sir upton."

Also, you see alot of stuff in there. The barrel was definately your booze barrel. Random stuff all over... there's a hint of green further up!

Elsa shakes here head and vanishes. "You can ask her yourself."

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "YEah, roll that"

Treya says, "Hey good deal!"

Upton rolls 2d6 and gets 1 and 4.

Treya tosses the barrel out and wades up toward the glow.

<OOC> Upton says, "Made ti with oddles to spare like 5 under."

Putting things back the way they go is a much less ugly endeavor.

Upton coms the captain when he is finished which might coincidentally be the time she fishes out the stone.

Treya, after covering yourself in ichor and entrails, you find a stone about the size of your head lodged into the wall of the esophagus... or, uh, the pink, bloody, flesh mound as you might say.

About then, Upton calls you over the com.

Keiko stands up spitting a few times... then glances back at Treya again and the mess that was the lizard... and falls back to her knees puking some more.

Treya yanks it out and wades her way out of the lizard. "Well that was fun, think I got some lizard gook in my eye socket..." She lifts the patch to get any gook out.

Keiko doesn't notice as shes busy puking.

Keiko, as you look away to puke, you notice that the tail of the lizard is still twitching.

Keiko says, "Whys the tail still twitch....""

Treya lobs the stone at Keiko. "Carry this." She flips the patch down and hefts the crate. "Hello? Yes whaddya want? I assume you're running away after wanging the kid in the head?"

Keiko she stands up again looking at the tail.

Upton says over the com, "Captian I tried to provide some artillery support, I hope it was helpful.

Treya says, "You knocked Keiko unconcious."

Keiko exclaims ungh as she catches the medicine ball sized stone. "Yuck..."

Treya says, "Oh for..."

Treya rolls a grenade to at the tail. "There."

._###_. _#___.

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`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |

| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Either that player does not exist, or has a different password.

Either that player does not exist, or has a different password.

Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-

be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

**** 2 failed connects since your last successful connect. ****

Most recent attempt was from on Wed Jan 03 21:18:38.651081 2007.

Last connect was from on Wed Jan 03 21:08:58.063431 2007.

MAIL: You have no mail.

Tabletop Room 6






Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

Treya shrugs and starts heading for Elsa.

The grenade blows up, causing the tail to, rather easily, fall off and flop towards Keiko... still twitching. It's like the souvenir you never wanted!

<OOC> Upton says, "Last see?"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Treya threw a grenade at the tail"

Treya says, "...now that's pretty cool."

Upton says, "Is she still Angel girl?(repost)"

Upton says, "Is she ok?(repost)"

Keiko says, "Angel girl? has he been drinking.""

Keiko says, "Ewww... Do lizard tails usually do that?"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "though if Keiko bothered to take a good look at herself, she might see she's sort of dressed angely. Might be too busy puking though"

Upton says, "Well, did you start cutting up the lizard?"

Treya says, "I got the stone."

<OOC> Keiko says, "sort of noticed."

Keiko says, "Whats he going on about... I am wearing some sort of ridiculous costume and I have no idea why."

Upton says, "I'll examine her for lasting damaging when you get back. If you can find it, the dumbbell was one of yours..."

<OOC> Keiko says, "how bigs the lizard tail?"

Treya says, "I dunno, ask Reynald. As for the dumbell and the booze, that's coming out of your pocket."

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "About as big as you are. You might be able to carry it, it doesn't look TOO heavy... it's twitching though, so holding on would take concentration."

Keiko says, "Would we want that tail for any reason?"

Treya says, "It's really cool?"

Keiko says, "umm ok...." She picks up the tail and takes it along. "Maybe its worth something.""

Upton says, "Aye captian. Upton out."

Keiko, you and your angel costumed self cart a flopping giant lizard tail back to Elsa... trying not to let it slap you in the face.

Soon all are back aboard!

<OOC> Keiko says, "why I dont know."

Treya ahhs. "You idiots get Elsa loose, I'm going for a shower."

Upton greets Treya in the cargo bay, where the steps in the mountain lead< "I assume you have the stone?

Treya says, "Keiko you have my permission to shoot him."

Treya heads to her room and locks the door.

<OOC> Treya says, "brb, makin soup :o"

The stone is, apparently, heanded to you Upton. Keiko is now allowed to shoot you!

Upton glares at Keiko, "I know where you sleep and how to B&E.

Keiko says, "Oh?" She gazes at Upton. "Elsa you have some of those rubber bullets somewhere?"

._###_. _#___.

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`@@@@N__J@@@F (@@@@@@@@@F @@@) (@F "N@@@H

(@@@@@@@@F `@@@@@@` @@@) (N@) (@@@@L

`N@@@H" `"" .@@@ `4@` `H@@@L.

(@@) `4@@

(@@` "

the Online Gaming Resource (@F ogrmush.com 6700 or 6677

www.ogrmush.com|www.ogrmux.com " ogrmux.com 6700 or 6677


| email: ogr-staff@ogrmux.com |

| OGR WebRing: www.ogrmux.com/ogring |

| LJ Community: www.livejournal.com/community/ogrmux/ |


| connect <name> <password> WHO - see who is currently connected. |

| create <name> <password> QUIT - disconnect from OGR. |

| To connect as a guest, type: connect guest |


Please be aware:

This MUSH makes use of an automated idle-nuke mechanism, so please be sure

to logon regularly to avoid being deleted. Idle-purged characters will -not-

be recovered; it is the individuals' responsibility to ensure they do not

get nuked and take precautions just in case (i.e. @decompiling all work

such as code, building, etc.). Thank you for your understanding.

-- The OGR Staff Team


WELCOME: (Jul 6/03) Welcome to OGR, your one-stop shopping for MU*-related gaming!

Last connect was from on Wed Jan 03 21:18:43.580807 2007.

MAIL: You have no mail.

Tabletop Room 6






Obvious exits:

Tabletop Nexus <TN>

"A few piles actually, Treya doesn't shoot them much."

Keiko says, "Huh.. but I have the ultimate security system... her name is Elsa." She frowns. "Are you threatening me? I have a knot the size of a birds egg on the back of my head and I understand I can thank you for it.""

Keiko is berating you in that angel costume, don't forget. Heh.

<OOC> Keiko says, "yea you should feel guilty cause Im such an angel ;)"

Upton examines the stone, pulls out his laser pen, cut off a very small slice, "Kid, if it weren't for me, you would still be literally floating around trying to get the Captain to repent her sins. You can shoot me after I free Elsa, ok?

The stone slices pretty easy, leaving a bit of fine powder on the floor

Keiko says, "Im not going to shoot you. Go do whatever I need a shower!"

Upton gathers the slice and the powers and goes out side to test the small be on the nearest part connecting elsa to the mountain after saying, "And change into something that ain't a teenage boys fantasy!"

Keiko She stomps off to her cabin and takes a quick shower and changes out of the costume (which I assume is still immaculate) and into a pair of shorts and teeshirt. "Now... time to talk to Reynold."

<OOC> Keiko says, "ehh teenage boys fantasize over anything female. lol"

Database checkpoint in progress - stand by...

Database checkpoint complete.

Upton test the little bit he has on the mountain's substance, then tries to figure out how much in what state would be need to free elsa.

Keiko heads on down toward the engineering section of the ship. "Reynold!!!"

Keiko, the costume is indeed immaculate... and hasn't dissapeared, so you now have a magical angel girl costume in your closet.

<OOC> Keiko says, "lol will probably work my way through all the types hee."

Upton, the goop you drop the slice in bubbles a bit, then sort of pulls away from that portion.

Reynold answers with a "Hah?!"

Upton sees if the bit is consumed in the prosses.

Well, it sort of sunk in... and retreaving it would involve reaching into the goo

Upton then sprinkles the powder he has on it

Keiko says, "What the hell happened I remember talking to you and then finding myself outside... in some wierd sexy costume.""

<OOC> Upton says, "How far did the stuff retreat?"

The goo retracts rather more violently this time, leaving a chasm of what looks like nothingness between Elsa and the black goop... on that section anyway. Ftwo whole feet of nothingess

Reynold scratches his helmet... whatever good that does. "Uh, you went with the angel type magical girl, said your transformation phrase and transformed. You got really into it, actually, pretty impressive for the first go around. The costume could have used a bit more originality maybe, and your speach making lacked some flavor, but that can all be worked on."

Upton goes back inside thankful he still has his magnetic boots and sets about making eneough of the powder to totally free elsa.

Keiko says, "What?.. your making all this up I dont remember anything like that.""

<OOC> Treya says, "back"

<OOC> Keiko says, "huggles"

It doesn't take too long Upton, the stone powderizes itself with no complaint.

Keiko says, "You want a twitching lizard tail?""

Keiko she suddenly remembers the silly thing.

Reynold taps his chin. "Really? Elsa, uh, could we get the vid? I'm getting confused again..." Elsa pops up and gives puts the vid on screen... displaying that he's actually correct it seems! You did get really into it. He also leaps up. "twitching lizard tail?! Awesome!"

Keiko says, "Oh is that good?""

Keiko says, "Elsa do you have vid of ummm me... I dont remember anything from talking to Reynold on.""

Upton puts the powder into something that will hold it and has handles and the using his magnetic boots to walk about the hull of the ships, being careful not to spill the stuff and sprinkles it on the black stuff on Elsa.

"It's exactly what I need for... something. I haven't figured that part out yet. But it's exactly what I need!"

Keiko says, "Ok... ummm well here you go... I guess.""

Elsa gives you a look Keiko. "You were acting rather out of character. I can give you the vid of when you were on the ship anyway."

Keiko says, "Alright... I dont remember a thing.""

Upton, pretty soon, elsa is free! She wasts no time getting away from the goopy mountain.

Upton see how much of the stuff he has left to do scientific testing on and then tries to head in to Elsa.

About a thimble full! And you're back in soon enough. Elsa sort of hovers there now, with no particular direction to go. Keiko, Elsa provides you with the footage of your on ship zaniness.

Very justice oriented... and not minding that outfit at all... actually, if you new the term fanservice, you might say you were providing it at the time.

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "knew"

Upton heads tot eh Bridge and says over the intercom, "Both Captains, we are free.

<OOC> Keiko says, "lol I dont know the term whats it mean :)"

Treya says, "Ah good."

Keiko says, "Ummm well thats no good because I didnt remember a thing Reynold... and well I was too stringent... thats probably not a good thing."

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Well... basically... females who dress scantily or provide 'interesting' shots for male viewers.. providing 'service' for the fans, you see. Fanservice. Especially when it seems like there's almost no good reason such a shot or whatnot should be going on other then to appeal to fan's baser natures."

<OOC> Keiko says, "lol"

Upton intercoms," Captains, the primitives I met gave me a basic direction to their village. They might have some interesting ruins near. They might be worth checking out. Permission to give Elsa bearings?

Reynald nods. "So you need more practice!" He puts a finger up in the air

<OOC> Keiko says, "everyone knows a females best armor is the least armor! lol"

Treya says, "...no, we're getting Elsa away from this mountain."

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Exactly."

Keiko says, "Um well I dont know that being all fussy and legelistic is a good thing."

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Chainmail bikini? Fanservice."

Upton says, "It is away from the mountains and I have a hunch that the ruins might harbor parts I can use to repair elsa."

Treya says, "...what hunch?"

Keiko says, "I'll have to try the wedding magical girl or wait for a talking mentor pet before I can try again."

Reynold nods again. "You have to find what fits you best!"

<OOC> GDMSkullrama says, "Allright guys, I got to end it heeeere. Taking my dad out to dinner for his birthday you know. Sorry for the short game."

Keiko makes a face.. "And it didn't help that you aimed me at Treya, you stinker."

<OOC> Treya says, "no worries"

<OOC> Keiko says, "thats fine:)"

Upton says, "They described it as a pile of shiney rocks. Their speak makes me believe that they were from a technological society that regressered. Since we have no where else to go we should check it out."

<OOC> Keiko says, "happy birthday dad."

<OOC> Keiko says, "its important. had you canceled I would have understood :) have fun"

<OOC> Treya says, "Latah Skull"

<OOC> Upton says, "I hope you got that last bit skull. Later."